Saturday, April 20, 2019

It's a Slow Dance

It's a Slow Dance

The trees are posing majestically 
In a standing salutation
Reaching, reaching, limbs akimbo 
Spring has come this day.

The maples spark up to the sky
This is their time
Festooned in red
They proclaim the ancient revival.

The oaks are waiting for the sun
To coax their sap
To rise, to shine
To layer wood upon their girth
More patiently than the growth below;

Sassafras saplings gather green
While tangy spicebush stand in the damp
Dogwoods open, blush, and show
As daggered greenbrier ramble about,
All flashing bright and verdant bold
In their romance with our brightest star.

This is a dance your welcome to
The steps are slow, the pace is honest
To see them move and gambol about
Sit patiently, with open heart
Beneath a woodland tree.

-P. Sanderson

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