Monday, June 29, 2009

I’m Afraid: The Character After 140

What are you doin'?
"Just sittin', reviewin'...

I don't Tweet because it seems shallow
I’m afraid.
Who wants to know that
I feed the squirrels?
Worry about my health?
Find sleep my greatest pleasure?

I spend time comparing
What I have been
to what I now am.
Trying to marginalize
the losses
Trying to bear-up through times
that become more unbearable,
While hoping for a good streak
even a short run that looks like
my "before times."

I used to be,
But now I'm just...
reviewing, though there will be no test.
waiting, though there is no rescue
smiling, my sad first grade smile.
waiting, but not responding to your tweet.

I cannot kick myself in the ass
although I could use that.
I would like to embolden my outlook on this day.
the sun is out
I have a pulse
It might be possible...
but for now
It is hard not to close the door
and take a mid-morning nap.


Yvonne Sanderson said...

Sounds like a potential song lyric to me... Maybe you know a drummer who is looking to do a little more singing... Maybe it's time to go for that walk on this beautiful day :)

Linda Hughes Hiser said...

Too bad we didn't get a chance to see each other again. I did know you before...what's Paul about now? Perhaps I need to continue reading. I don't tweet, either.