Thursday, February 7, 2019

I Told You So

Unplug me
Then plug me back in.
Reset me back to a previously functioning state.
I’ve been running version 2.0
For the past 20,000.0 years
And it’s gotten quite buggy.
The day before that
Was the last day we were on course true.

I’m standing in the cornfield
In my virtual Kansas
Waiting in my foil cap
Emblazoned with the logo
Of my hometown team.
I never made varsity
Which turns out to be my possible salvation.

I can follow my story tree
All the way back to the day before
It all went wrong.
You know, you were there too.
Our roots go deep
Where we once were anchored.

So back in Kansas
I dig my feet in
I’m done with the dance
And am waiting for lightning to strike
Knowing no other way
To let go
To reset
To gain course
To make amends
As the wind whistles her telling-tune
Called,  “I Told You So.”

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