Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Man and the Old Dog

The man and the old dog,
Long stitched together,
Have walked many miles and lived many days,
Their track runs in a parallel
Bonding and building their alliance strong
As dog and man can sometimes do.
She serves him like a living journal,
Where his diaries of joy and sadness
Can be quietly opened
And privately read.
The dog now infirmed and enfeebled,
Ancient now in her dying days,
Has outlived her own usefulness.
She lives out of loyalty now
Knowing or so it seems
That she must bear her final burden
One that dogs can sometimes do,
To be loyal and loving to him
Until her time finally comes.
He out of a sense of desperate respect
Nurses her to one more day
Loyal too as humans do.
He becomes her legs and eyes,
Offering her cool water in a cup
And creature comfort as he may,
A gentle pet behind the ears
To rally spirit, to make delay.
She will part this world sometime soon
And a great sadness will separate these friends,
Her pages will be mournfully closed
Residing now where memories remain
So gently impressed upon his heart
As a dog can sometimes do
To a man.




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