God did his thing- this thing-
But beseech-able
I think not,
Because it is all there or here
-The prayer already answered-
All about us and within us
To misuse
Or to glorify
In our own magnificent way.
Carpenters and spinners have given us the tools
So that we can build and sew
Then observe
And reconstruct
Again and again
In humble emulation.
As beauty breaks its given bonds
It takes a form shaped
By hand and mind
Wind and water
Guided by hope and trust
Challenged by random fortune
Birthed in nature
Bathed in light and tempered in time
Again and again.
Have you come across it?
And energy once fused
Then freed
Moves in a hoary race
Though the cosmos
Bound on an infinite self-celebration
Of being
And manifesting too,
In such a timeless dance
Again and again
Wild and provocative
Yet supremely pure.
A simple smile
So purged of words
And freed of context
And given freely
In a random moment
Gains in momentum
Grows in purity
When it is transformed
From your lips to mine.
The genius said
I do not know so much…
But I appreciate what I have learned
And I am not afraid
-He said with a smile-
To try and understand
A little more.
I stood by the garden fence
Stopped by an odd movement of leaves
And saw thrashing -threshing there about
Two sparrows.
And upon casual observation
I notice that they were gleaning seeds from
Broken zinnia flowers,
Browned by frost and bent down to deposit
Their hopes,
Their part of the future
Upon the loamy soil.
And so upon the list I casually keep
I add the fact that these birds eat these seeds
That I inadvertently put there for them.
And that I inadvertently planted
For myself as well
The answer to a question
Of the things I’ll never know.