Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I have no real business here
And neither do you, or so it seems.
We both chose to sit and bask
In the early morning sun
Warm against the cool of the night
Now waning.

 I commend you on your choice of perch
A new leaf on the rhododendron
That offers a view of its blossoms
On this day of their fading glory
Soon to wilt beyond the punky pink
Which they are not shy to show.

I wish you to find your way
To the nearby frog pond
Where I hope for you the water is just right
So that you may drop in a small raft of eggs
Your progeny to carry on there
The life aquatic
So brilliant, your kind
Who will later burst from that water world
And fly free and fast among your aerial allies.

There is a shift
In wind and light
In thought and purpose
And together we both rise
And move on into our day
Seeking to find the next best thing.

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