Wednesday, May 9, 2018


And then all at once
It struck me,
As if it had been fermenting
In some psycho-yeasty still,
Maniacal microbes of the mind
It came rushing to the forefront,
A bad dream tamped down
But not stomped out
(Only you can prevent wild-thinking!)

These little devils,
Dreams that whirl dervishly
Choose to plague me occasionally.

The shaman claims that they are there
To help make meaning:
Process and sort symbolically,
Like a recycling center.
(Maybe a recycling center
Struck by a hurricane.)

Is life such a layer cake,
And is this the creamy nugget filling?

But why so metaphorical,
So disconcerting?

You got my attention
Can’t we just deal with it,
Move on,
And let me loose
All at once?

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